Modifications and Changes
Key Considerations
Compared to sponsor initiated studies, IITs more frequently have
modifications to the protocol, additional arms, additional
subcontractors, and additional correlative studies after initiation
of contract negotiation.
Communicate any changes (even anticipated changes) to the contracts office as soon as possible. Please follow campus policies and federal rules.
Be aware that while it may make sense to wait and amend the IIT agreement to accommodate changes, in many cases it is critical to make the changes prior to execution of the contract. Make sure to discuss this with your contracts office in advance, rather than delaying submission of the changes..
IIT Toolkit Overview
1. Home 2. Study Plan 3. Protocol 4. Budget
5. Funding 5a. Multiple Funding Sources
7. Other Situations: 7a. Correlative Studies 7b. Subcontracts 7c. Consortium Agreements