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These events bring together UC BRAID working groups with UCOP partners and other stakeholders across the UC biomedical campuses to discuss major achievements, new goals and potential new areas of focus.

October 14 & 15, 2019: 10th Annual UC BRAID Retreat

One California: Integrating Research into Health Care

Retreat Overview | Agenda & Presentations | Photos  |  Article

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October 2 & 3, 2018: 9th Annual UC BRAID Retreat

Advancing the Next Generation of Health Research: Are We Future-Ready?

Retreat Overview | Agenda & Presentations | Photos  |  Report

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October 10 & 11, 2017: 8th Annual UC BRAID Retreat

Translating Discovery to Health: Supporting a Learning Health System Environment

Retreat Overview | Agenda & Presentations | Breakout Sessions | Photos 

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October 18 & 19, 2016: 7th Annual UC BRAID Retreat

Translating Discovery to Health

​Retreat Overview | Agenda & Presentations | Breakout Sessions | Photos 

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October 16, 2015: 6th Annual UC BRAID Retreat

Bringing Together the Power of the UC Clinical and Research Enterprises

Agenda | Attendees | UC Health: Leveraging Scale for Value | Precisely Practicing Medicine from 700 Million Points of UC Data UC ReX | IRB Reliance IRB Metrics | Contracting Metrics | Child Health |Biobanking | CAI & D4 | CKCC Demonstration Project | DAID Demonstration Project


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November 7, 2014: 5th Annual UC BRAID Retreat

Clinical and Translational Science in 2014

UC BRAID Annual Retreat Agenda | Attendees | UC BRAID: A Collaborative Network | Leveraging UC's Research Enterprise for Value | Center for Accelerated Innovation | UC ReX | IRB Metrics | IRB Reliance & UC TrialQuest EngageUC

Posters | Photos

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October 15th, 2013: 4th Annual UC BRAID Retreat

Leveraging a UC Network

UC BRAID Annual Retreat Agenda l Eliminating Silos & Leveraging a UC Network l UC ReX l Clinical Trial Contracting at UC l  Contracting l Reliance Registry Updates l UC Reliance Services IRB Metrics l Drug & Device Development & Discovery (D4) l Engage UC l Biobanking l Child Health l Center for Accelerated Innovation - NHLBI

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September 14, 2012: 3rd Annual UC BRAID Retreat

UC BRAID from the UC Perspective

Agenda l Contracting Presentation l Contracting Metrics Presentation l D4 Presentation l UC ReX Presentation l IRB Presentation l IRB Metrics Presentation l Biobanking Presentation l EngageUC Biorepository Presentation l Clinical Research Billing Presentation

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September 23, 2011: 2nd Annual UC BRAID Retreat

Coordinating Activities and Identifying Future Needs

Agenda | Summary | Contracting Presentation | BRAID D4 Presentation (part 1) | BRAID D4 Presentation (part 2) | Informatics Presentation l IRB Presentation | IRB Group Goals | Metrics Presentation

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October 8, 2010: 1st Annual UC BRAID Retreat

UC-Wide Biomedical Research Acceleration Initiative Retreat

Agenda  |  Summary  |  Contracting Presentation  |  Informatics Presentation  |  IRB Presentation

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