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Promoting Efficiencies

So long, silos! UC BRAID and our network of research administration partners work to develop, test, and implement new ways of working together more efficiently. We break down barriers to make communication more effective, reducing impediments and redundancies, ultimately making it faster and easier to conduct the next generation of research.

"This network brings together the 'best and brightest' of translational and clinical researchers — an established ecosystem that will speed up the process that brings science discovery to direct benefit of patients."


Dan Cooper

Director, Institute for Clinical and Translational Science

UC Irvine



Contracting offices face increasing internal and external pressure to improve turnaround times for clinical trial contract execution. To address these challenges, UC BRAID convened a network of campus contracting leadership. More...

Participant Recruitment


Participant recruitment is a significant challenge in many studies involving human subjects. The 5 campuses of UC BRAID, UC Riverside, and Stanford have partnered to build a portfolio of tools and services to improve the participant recruitment processes. More...


UC BRAID works closely with campus IRB Directors and staff as they adapt to a changing regulatory landscape. This close collaboration provides opportunities for us to test new approaches that streamline IRB approval and speed up clinical trial activation. More...

Regulatory (IRB)
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Previous Successes

UC BRAID has achieved a variety of successes promoting efficiencies with 1) the UC-IRB Pilot, 2) a Child Health work group that transformed into a state-wide collaborative, and 3)  the D4 work group.


One approach we tested was the UC-IRB, a proof of concept project. From across UC we assembled IRB leadership, committee members, staff, and technology, to test a flexible model that solved problems identified by our campuses. The UC-IRB made it easier to obtain IRB approval, which got clinical trials up-and-running faster and offered a UC-based alternative to external IRB reviews.


UC BRAID-Child Health (BRAID-CH) has transitioned to a new statewide collaboration. The Coalition will build an innovative and collaborative network to support clinical research activities that will rapidly provide new therapies, medical devices, quality care, efficient healthcare delivery, and health prevention strategies to all the people in California. The Coalition members were included as a result of a collaboration with the Children’s Specialty Care Coalition (CSCC).

Background: Since 2013, BRAID-CH sought to serve as a UC consortium focused on a group of pediatric diseases while leveraging the strengths of UC BRAID. Some of BRAID-CH’s accomplishments:

  • Funded and implemented the Child Health Catalytic Grant Awards, serving as a model for a national initiative to support multidisciplinary pediatric research

  • Held the first UC wide Autism Summit and received a UC award for a multisite Autism Research​

The BRAID Drug, Device, Discovery and Development (“D4”) work group focused on cross-UC collaboration in early translation of academic discovery into valuable and impactful therapies. The D4 group eventually  developed into the UC Drug Discovery Consortium (UC DDC.


Previous Successes
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