Consortium Agreements
Key Considerations
The PI or department should consult with the contracts office or the
appropriate compliance office if they have any concern that the funding
entity is requiring intellectual property, confidentiality or other rights or
creating obligations that may interfere with the study.
The contracts office is generally not privy to any of the discussions or documents that pre-date the IIT agreement and relies on the PI and department to identify any concerns about obligations or commitments in these external documents that may interfere with the study.
The University is not a party to and not subject to the terms and conditions of any documents signed solely by the PI or the department.
There can also be outside confidentiality, outside consulting or outside consortium agreements that may impact the trial and the trial agreement.
IIT Toolkit Overview
1. Home 2. Study Plan 3. Protocol 4. Budget
5. Funding 5a. Multiple Funding Sources
7. Other Situations: 7a. Correlative Studies 7b. Subcontracts 7c. Consortium Agreements