October 14 & 15, 2019
UCLA Meyer & Renee Luskin Conference Center
DOWNLOAD PDFs: Agenda | Bios | Attendee List
Date: Sep 1, 2018 San Francisco
One California: Integrating Research into Health Care

Day 1: Monday, October 14, 2019 – 1:00 to 5:30 pm
Legacy Room - Second Floor
12:30 pm
Registration + Coffee and snack
1:00 pm
Welcome to Day 1
Laurie Herraiz, Executive Director, UC BRAID
Dan Cooper, Chair, UC BRAID
1:10 pm
Building on the Legacy of UCOP Support for UC BRAID [PDF]
John Stobo, Executive Vice President, UC Health
1:30 pm
Greetings from NCATS: The Role of BRAID Type Networks in the CTSA Family [PDF]
Michael Kurilla, Director, Division of Clinical Innovation, NCATS
1:40 pm
10 Years of UC BRAID as a Platform for Integrating Research into Health Care [PDF]
Lars Berglund, AVC for Biomedical Research UCD
2:00 pm
Integrating Research into the Health Delivery Enterprise: Administrative Perspectives
Catherine Sarkisian, Value-Based Care Research Consortium, UCLA [PDF]
2:30 pm
Small Group Brainstorming [PDF]
Laurie Herraiz, Executive Director, UC BRAID
2:40 pm
Small Group Discussion: Brainstorming Outcomes (Part 1)
Improving community engagement in UC Research
Facilitating multi-site research
Better integrating basic and applied clinical research
Moving the UC to a learning health care system
3:50 pm
Break (refreshments provided)
4:05 pm
Small Group Discussion: Continue
5:00 pm
A Vision for “Systemness” in the Years to Come [PDF]
Carrie Byington, incoming Executive Vice President, UC Health
5:20 pm
Day One Summary
Dan Cooper, Chair, UC BRAID
End of Day 1: Mon, October 14 – 5:30 to 6:45 pm
Welcome Reception for all Retreat attendees!
Day 2: Tuesday, October 15, 2019 – 8:30 am to 3:00 pm
Centennial Ballroom A & B - First Floor
7:30 am
Breakfast and Networking
8:30 am
Welcome and Introduction to Day 2
Dan Cooper, Chair, UC BRAID
Laurie Herraiz, Executive Director, UC BRAID
8:45 am
How UC BRAID Can Build a Learning Health System across California [PDF]
Charles Friedman, Chair, Department of Learning Health Sciences, Univ of Michigan
9:45 am
UC BRAID Projects Updates
Industry Contracting: Rationales Library and Streamlining Pilot - Erick Jenkins, UCD; Tam Tran, UCI; Lauren Sanfilippo, UCSD [PDF]
Participant Recruitment: Guidelines Project - Molly Belinski, UCSF [PDF]
Drug Device and Discovery - Joseph Wagner, UC DDC [PDF]
10:25 am
Break (refreshments provided)
10:40 am
California Coalition for Child Health Research - Anthony Magit, UCSD, Rady Children’s Hospital [PDF]
Global Health Research, Education, and Translation - Oladele Ogunseitan, UCI [PDF]
UC Health Strategy - Elizabeth Engel, UC Health [PDF]
UC Health Data Warehouse - Atul Butte, UC Health, UCSF [PDF]
11:30 am
NCATS Vision of a National Clinical Translational Research Network [PDF]
Michael G. Kurilla, Director, Division of Clinical Innovation, NCATS
12:00 pm
Lunch and Networking
1:00 pm
Crafting an Implementation Plan [PDF]
Margaret Schneider, Associate Director of UCI ICTS
1:10 pm
Breakout Sessions: Developing Deliverables (Part 2)
Improving community engagement in UC Research
Facilitating multi-site research
Better integrating basic and applied clinical research
Moving the UC to a learning health care system
2:20 pm
Breakout Session: Re-convene & Report Out
2:55 pm
Final Thoughts
Laurie Herraiz, Executive Director, UC BRAID
3:00 pm
Adjourn for the Day